


Today's Sunrise and Sunset

Sunrise: 06:16 AM SST
Sunset: 06:57 PM SST

Nude Friday (PO ULA Nights)

We know how to have fun when the full moon is inviting. This night of revelry was revived by the adventures of Tisa in the early years of the Barefoot Bar’s development. Before contact, Samoan hospitality was a village affair. The hosting village made elaborate preparations to bid farewell to the visiting Malaga, (guests) on the night before departure.  The PO ULA event was the finale of the two week stay and now the farewell party. This will be the night to share with the someone you have been flirting with during their stay in your village. By midnight, the goodbye party turns to frenzy of coconut oiled bodies and mischief of the naked moon, followed by slipping into darkness with your favorite guest into the night. It is the farewell secrets of the Samoans that no one dares to talk about the next day. Secrets are real at Nude Friday Full moon parties at Tisa’s.

Call Tisa at 684-622-7447 or email [email protected] for more information.

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