


Today's Sunrise and Sunset

Sunrise: 06:44 AM SST
Sunset: 06:14 PM SST

Special Events

Samoan Feast

We feast together and celebrate life in harmony in Tisa’s barefoot environment. The Samoan Umu Feast is about reconnecting in a family friendly atmosphere, sharing travel adventure stories and meeting new friends in the spirit of Samoan dining experience.

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Nude Friday (PO ULA Nights)

We know how to have fun when the full moon is inviting. This night of revelry was revived by the adventures of Tisa in the early years of the Barefoot Bar’s development. Before contact, Samoan hospitality was a village affair. The hosting village made elaborate preparations to bid farewell to the visiting Malaga

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Palolo Festival

An event scheduled by nature, Palolo make their appearance to spawn in the last quarter of the moon in October and November. Palolo is collected by net and enjoyed as a delicacy. Every year in season, much preparation is given to welcome the palolo to our shores.

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Tattoo Festival

The first Annual Tisa’s Tattoo Festival was established in 1993 by Tisa, celebrating the Past, Present and Future of the Samoan Tatau. The Festival is held at Alega village each year in October. It was one art of the Samoans that they could not part with, against its banning, by missionaries in the 1830s.

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